Current Services include:
Energy Conservation Measures calculations
- Provide individual ECM calculations
- Sale of my ECM Calculation Software
Evaluate Energy Savings received from ESCOs & other energy engineers
- Boilers & Chillers
- HVAC controls
- VFDs for pumps & fans
- Insulation
- Industrial process energy savings
- Combined Heat & Power
- Photovoltaic kWh
- Alternative Resource energy production
Supply a provider of insurance for energy savings
- Practical, effective Energy Audit training
- General or site-specific personnel training for building equipment operations and maintenance to optimize operating costs and comfort
Energy audits:
- Quick “walk-through” audits that provide a general idea of what savings potential exists
- Preliminary facility evaluation audits that provide budget numbers for savings and costs for potential projects
- Detailed facility evaluation audits that provide in depth analysis of operational savings and closer estimates of project costs
New construction design review
- Review plans and specifications of Mechanical & Electrical design to identify potential operational savings from improved equipment selection or control strategies.